(A)   The town has no responsibility to provide water or sewer service to property located outside its corporate limits. However, upon request, the town may extend its water and sewer lines to serve properties outside the town when it, in its sole discretion, determines that it is in the town’s best interests to do so.
   (B)   Any owner of property outside the corporate limits who seeks an extension of the town’s water or sewer system to service his or her property, shall provide all information the town deems necessary to determine whether the requested extension is feasible and in the town’s best interests.
   (C)   The responsibility for extending a water or sewer line to serve property outside the town is solely that of the property owner requesting the extension. Accordingly, the entire cost of extending lines within new subdivisions or developments outside the town shall be borne by the subdivider or developer.
(Prior Code, § 50.053) (Ord. O-00-001, passed 2-24-2000)