As provided for by M.S. § 444.075, Subd. 3e, as it may be amended from time to time, the City Clerk, annually or more frequently as directed by Council, shall prepare a list of delinquent charges to be certified for payment as taxes. The list of delinquent charges shall be delivered to the City Council for adoption. All persons who have delinquent charges included in the list shall be notified and given a chance to appear before the Council before the list is adopted. In the event the delinquency involves rental property, notice shall be given to the record owner of the property in addition to the tenant or other parties in possession and he or she given a chance to appear before the Council. Upon adoption, the Clerk shall certify the unpaid charges to the County Auditor for collection as other taxes are collected. This action may be optional or subsequent to taking other legal action to collect delinquent charges, and shall not preclude the City or its agents from recovery of the delinquent charges and interest under any other available remedy, and shall not preclude the disconnection for late payment provided for in this chapter.