Plan submission to the Columbiana County Planning Commission shall be on twenty-four inch by thirty-six inch prints, six sets, and shall include, as a minimum, the following:
   (a)   Title Sheet.
      (1)   Subdivision name
      (2)   Township and section(s)
      (3)   Owner's name(s)
      (4)   Developer's name(s)
      (5)   Engineer's name(s) and stamp
      (6)   Location map
      (7)   Sheet index
   (b)   Subdivision Plat.
   (c)   Lot Layout.
      (1)   Lot numbers
      (2)   Lot and road dedication dimensions, road stationing, curve data, etc.
      (3)   Utility and drainage easements
      (4)   Adjoining property owners
      (5)   Monuments, found and set
   (d)   Topographic Map.
      (1)   Two foot or five foot intervals
      (2)   Lot layout on topography
      (3)   Give benchmark reference
   (e)   Road Profile.
      (1)   Show existing and proposed elevations
      (2)   Give benchmark reference
      (3)   Typical roadway section
   (f)   Road cross-sections. Show existing and proposed elevations of road cross-sections.
   (g)   Drainage Plan.
      (1)   Show hydraulic calculations
      (2)   Show percolation test results, when required by health department
   (h)   Roadway construction schedule. A roadway construction schedule prepared by the developer on 8-1/2 by 11 paper.
   The Engineer's name and stamp shall appear on the lower right side of all plans submitted.
   All plans shall be prepared in a neat, legible and professional manner in accordance with acceptable engineering standards.
(Ord. 1164. Passed 8-16-82.)