(a) General. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the official Columbiana County Thoroughfare Plan, or subsequent amendments thereof, and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets.
(1) The subdivider shall provide within the boundaries of the subdivision plat the necessary right-of-way for the widening, continuance or alignment of such street in conformity with the thoroughfare plan or any existing local road plan, and with additional right-of-way for existing county and township roads when the subdivided land fronts the same.
(b) Minimum Requirements for Residential Streets in Subdivision and Off-Street Parking.
(1) Subdivision name. The subdivision name shall not duplicate or be confused with existing subdivisions or with those under consideration by the Planning Commission.
(2) Street names. Names of new streets shall not duplicate existing dedicated street names. A new street which is an extension of, or in alignment with, an existing or platted street shall bear the name of the existing or platted street. All new streets shall be named in the following manner:
General Direction | Designation |
North-South | Avenue |
East-West | Street |
Northwest-Southwest Diagonal | Drive |
Short All Directional Streets | Road |
Curving Loop Street (More than 1,000 feet) (1,000 feet or less) | Circle Place |
Short, Dead-End Street, and Cul-De-Sac | Lane |
(3) Lot and block numbering. All lots shall be numbered in progressive numbers or as directed by the Planning Commission.
(4) Easement. Easements shall have a minimum of ten feet or such additional width as may be required for the necessary access to the utility involved. Easement shall be located along the rear or side lot lines except under special circumstances where they may be required in other locations. No structure, trees, etc. , shall be placed on easements granted for utility purposes. Easements for the establishment of electric, gas, sewer, and waterlines shall be provided in all subdivisions, as may be required. Easements shall be so identified.
Whenever the construction of streets and the required storm drainage is such that the direction of storm water flow is diverted to affect surrounding property, the subdivider shall obtain adequate drainage easements to provide for efficient disposal of these waters. Whenever any natural stream or natural surface drainage course is located in the area being subdivided, provisions shall be made for an adequate easement along each side of the stream or drainage course for the purpose of widening, deepening, relocating, or protection of the stream for drainage purposes. Drainage easements shall have a minimum width of twenty feet.
(c) Minor Traffic Arteries and Physical Barriers.
(1) Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed street of equal or greater importance than a secondary thoroughfare, the Commission may require:
A. Marginal access streets,
B. Reverse frontage with plantings contained in a nonaccess reservation along the rear property line,
C. A planting strip of a minimum width of twenty feet on the rear of the lots with no vehicular access across such strip,
D. Deep lots with service alleys, or
E. Such other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties, and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
(2) Physical barriers. Where a subdivision borders on, or contains, a railroad right-of-way, or limited access highway right-of-way, the Planning Commission may require a street approximately parallel to, and on each side of such right-of-way, at a distance suitable for necessary traffic circulation.
(d) Arrangement.
(1) Traffic. Minor streets shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
(2) Access to adjacent property. The street layout shall make provisions for the proper projection and continuance of street into adjacent unsubdivided acreage where it is deemed appropriate and desirable by the Commission.
(3) Master Plan. Where the plat is to be submitted includes only a part of the tract owned by the subdivider, the Commission shall require a sketch of a tentative future street system for the unsubdivided portion.
(e) Alignment.
(1) Horizontal.
A. Jogs. Street jogs shall be discouraged, where such jogs are unavoidable, in no case shall the centerline offsets be less than 125 feet.
B. Angle of Intersections. Streets shall intersect at right angles when possible; in no case shall such intersections intersect at an angle less than seventy degrees.
C. Intersection Approaches. Street intersections shall be straight for a distance of at least 100 feet from the centerline of the street intersection.
D. Reverse Curve. A tangent of at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on all but minor streets.
(2) Vertical grade at intersections. Approaches to intersections shall be reduced to a gradient not exceeding five percent (5%) for a distance to meet requirements of the sight table contained in the Current Manual of Procedure and Minimum Standards Secondary Road Plan published by the Ohio Department of Highways.
(f) Classification. Each street in the subdivision shall be classified according to the definitions found in Chapter 1101.
Classification | Minimum RW/ (Ft.) | Maximum (º) of curve | Gradient Max. (%) | Gradient Min. (%) |
Residential or Collector Street | 60 | 13 | 8 | 0.75 |
When a maximum grade of eight percent (8%) cannot be met, the County Engineer and the County Planning Director shall jointly determine the maximum grade to be used, with final approval of the County Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may make variances to these requirements where it is determined that unusual topographical and/or other exceptional conditions require such modifications in streets and highway standards.
(Ord. 1164. Passed 8-16-82.)