(a)   Public Water Supply. Where an approved water supply is available, and within reasonable distance as determined by the Planning Commission, the subdivider or the developer shall construct a connection for each lot extended to the property line. In all cases, a public water distribution system shall be required.
   (b)   Public Water Distribution System. Public water distribution systems shall meet the requirements of the State Department of Health as cited in Ohio R.C. 6111. 44 to 6111.46.
   (c)   Sanitary Sewers. The subdivision shall be served by an extension of an existing and available public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Planning Commission, the subdivider or developer shall provide a system of sanitary sewer mains and shall provide lateral connections for each. Whenever main lines are installed, laterals shall be properly marked and shown in the plat map. Sanitary sewers shall be installed in the corner of the road, except where hard surface roads are already in existence sewer lines shall be installed seven feet, more or less, within the road right-of-way at the outside edge. Where a hard surface street is to be constructed, sanitary sewer laterals are to be installed prior to acceptance of street. All trenches and other excavation shall be properly backfilled and compacted. The owner or developer shall submit plans and specifications prepared by a registered professional engineer, of the improvements he proposes to construct. They shall be consistent with good engineering practice and shall be subject to the approval of the Village Engineer and/or County Health Department.
(Ord. 1164. Passed 8-16-82.)