(a) The final plat map shall be submitted in a minimum 18" by 24" size and a maximum of 24" by 36", outside dimensions, and shall be drawn with permanent black waterproof ink on mylar base film, tracing cloth or approved equivalent. Cross-sections and profiles shall have a scale minimal of one inch equals ten feet vertical (1' = 10') and one inch equals 100 feet horizontal (1" = 100').
(b) Name and/or number, and location of the subdivision and the name and/or number and location of the large subdivision or tract of which it forms a part.
(c) Names and addresses of the subdivider, owner and any interest holder and of the engineer and surveyor.
(d) All boundaries of the tract with accurate distances given to one hundredth foot and with bearings given to one-half minute as determined by an accurate survey in the field which has been balanced and closed, as well as physically located by monumentation. When required by the staff all calculations and field notes will be submitted for examination.
(e) The location and description of all monuments, permanent monuments of stone, concrete and metal, which shall be set at all critical points and at all lot corners to enable any qualified surveyor to locate any lot in the subdivision.
(f) North-point, scale and date. Magnetic or true-north or basic bearing shall be indicated.
(g) A certificate by a qualified surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him, that all the monuments shown thereon exist, that these monuments are permanently placed, and that their locations are as shown. In place of unusual size and if more than two sheets are required, an index sheet of the same dimensions shall be attached showing the entire subdivision on one sheet, with all areas and features as shown on other sheets, including north-point and date.
(h) The length of lot lines, length and bearing of streets, alleys and easements, length of arc, delta, or radial bearings, points of curvature, radius and tangent bearings in the case of curved lines. Dimensions of lots will be accurate in feet and hundredths with bearings or angles given to the street and alleys or crosswalk. Lots shall be numbered or lettered and all streets shall bear approved names.
(i) Total acreage of the subdivision and the acreage contained in all dedicated streets and other public areas and an acknowledgment by the owners of their adoption of the plat.
(j) Accurate locations and outlines of areas to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use, and the purpose indicated thereon. Until proper transfer of the common area, subdivider shall make provisions, and provide for, maintenance of all areas, including parks, recreational areas, and inside of turnarounds. This also includes all property that may be reserved by covenant for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision; the dedication shall be in a form approved by the Planning Commission and it is to cover all lands included in streets, highways, parks, school grounds, and other areas not specifically reserved by the subdivider, together with the area computations of each.
(k) Right-of-way lines of all existing or recorded streets, principal property lines, patent lines, and township lines, all intersecting or contiguous section lines with distance and bearing. This includes easements for right of way provided for public services or utilities.
(l) Bearings and distances to the nearest established street line, military or geodetic survey tie, township and municipal line, or other recognized permanent monument which shall be accurately described on the plat.
(m) Names and dimensions of streets and roads and sidewalks, within any adjoining plat showing any legally established center line elevation and any curb gutter and culvert system.
(Ord. 1164. Passed 8-16-82.)