The Village of Lisbon hereby approves and adopts the following credit card policy.
   (a)   The Village has been issued credit cards as a convenience for making Village work related purchases. Work related purchases are any cost of expenditure of Village funds authorized and/or approved in advance and related to the official business of the Village.
   (b)   Only the Fiscal Officer or Fiscal Officer's designee are authorized signers for the use of the Village credit card.
   (c)   When not in use, the credit card(s) shall be in the possession and control of the Village Fiscal Officer and shall be stored in a secure location.
   (d)   The Fiscal Officer shall maintain log sheets signed by the person utilizing the credit cards. Said log sheets shall reflect the date and time the credit card is signed out along with the date and time that the credit card is returned to the Fiscal Officer.
   (e)   The transaction dollar amount for any single charge is seventeen thousand five hundred dollars ($17,500) and the total spending limit on the Village credit card shall be seventeen thousand five hundred dollars ($17,500). Only purchases within these dollar limits and approved budgetary constraints may be made using the Village credit card.
   (f)   Receipts: The following payment review and approval procedures must be adhered to:
      (1)   Detailed invoices or receipts are required for all transactions using the Village credit card.
      (2)   Invoices and receipts must show the transaction date, the dollar amount of the transaction, and a description of the transaction (service items purchased and an authorized signature).
      (3)   All such paperwork must be submitted to the Village Fiscal Officer no later than five business days after completing the transaction, unless otherwise authorized.
   (g)   The issuance, reissuance and/or cancellation of credit cards must be approved by Village Council.
   (h)   Any lost and/or stolen credit cards shall be reported immediately to the Fiscal Officer.
   (i)   Village Council shall review at least quarterly the number of credit cards and accounts issued, the number of active credit cards and accounts issued, the credit cards and account's expiration date and the account's credit limits.
   (j)   The Fiscal Officer or the Fiscal Officer's designee shall annually file a report with Village Council detailing all the rewards received based upon the use of the Village's credit card account.
   (k)   The Village shall not hold or utilize a debit card account, except for law enforcement purposes. Possession or use of a debit card account by a political subdivision except for law enforcement purposes is a violation of R.C. § 2913.21.
   (l)   Credit card usage:
      (1)   Authorized signers or their designees shall not allow anyone else, including other employees, to use the credit card(s).
      (2)   Employees shall not intentionally destroy a credit card. When a credit card expires, is no longer needed, or upon termination of employment or service with the Village, credit cards shall be returned to the Fiscal Officer.
      (3)   Credit card (s) shall NOT be used to pay for any personal expense or for any personal purpose or use.
      (4)   Credit card (s) shall NOT be used to obtain cash advances, cash withdrawals or to obtain cash back from a transaction.
      (5)   Credit card (s) shall NOT be used to pay for entertainment except as otherwise authorized by Village Council.
      (6)   Credit card (s) shall NOT be used to purchase alcohol or tobacco.
      (7)   Credit card (s) shall NOT be used for casino gambling, betting, wagering and shall not be used to obtain cash advances for such purposes.
      (8)   Credit card (s) shall NOT be used for any purpose to pay for any expenses prohibited by Federal or state law or by any Village policy or practice. This includes the payment of state sales tax of which Village's are exempt. The Fiscal Officer will provide each employee with a "Sales and Use Tax Blanket Exemption Certificate" to present to the vendor.
      (9)   Credit card(s) shall be used in accordance with all applicable credit card rules and regulations in accordance with all state and Federal laws.
   (m)   The use of a credit card account for expenses and/or purchases beyond those authorized by this policy constitutes misuse of a credit card account. An officer or employee of the Village or a public servant as defined under R.C. § 2921.01 who knowingly misuses a credit card account held by the Village violates R.C. § 2913.21.
   (n)   An officer and/or employee of the Village who fails to adhere to the policy may result in disciplinary action and/or termination.
(Ord. 2029-18. Passed 12-18-2018.)