(a) Prior to the Housing or Fire Inspector invoking the provisions of Section 1316.07, he shall give written notice of such intent to such person or persons as provided in division (b) of this section.
(b) Notice shall be served in the same manner as provided in Section 1316.04, informing the owner or agent, mortgagee of record, and lien holders of record of the Village's intention to demolish and remove the unsafe building or structure, at least thirty days prior to such intended action by the Village, unless this matter is deemed an emergency as set forth in division (c) of this section.
(c) Emergencies. In case of emergency which, in the opinion of the Housing or Fire Inspector, involves immediate danger to human life or health, the Housing or Fire Inspector shall promptly cause an unsafe building, structure, or portion thereof to be made safe or removed. For this purpose, he or she may at once enter such a structure with such assistance and at such cost as he or she may deem necessary; order adjacent structures and premises to be vacated and protect the public by an appropriate fence or other such means as may be necessary; and for this purpose may close a public or private way. In the event that the Housing or Fire Inspector deems a case an emergency, notice may be given other than by certified mail service and less than thirty days prior to such removal or repair.
(Ord. 1838. Passed 7-14-2008.)