(A)   In order to recover and maintain the utility's ability to collect accounts, the utility department will designate one or more employees to:
      (1)   Review the publication of public records that contains legal notices, estate notices, obituaries, and other notices of record.
      (2)   The employee will note all customers that have deceased or otherwise had a change in legal status that requires the utility to file a notice or other legal document to preserve the utility's interest in the customer's outstanding or current bill owed to the utility.
      (3)   The employee will file or otherwise act within two business days to protect the interest of the utility.
   (B)   The utility will refer any customer's bill that has been outstanding for more than 45 days from the date it was issued that is:
      (1)   In an amount more than $1,500, to the Office of the City Attorney;
      (2)   In an amount less than $1,500, to a designated collection agency or other approved agent of the utility.
(Ord. 2009-05, passed 2-9-2009)