Subdivision 1.   The budget shall be considered by the first regular monthly meeting of the Council in September and at subsequent meetings until a budget is adopted for the ensuing year. The meetings shall be so conducted as to give interested citizens a reasonable opportunity to be heard. The Council may revise the proposed budget but no amendment to the budget shall increase the authorized expenditures to an amount greater than the estimated income. The Council shall adopt the budget by a resolution that shall set forth the total for each budgeted fund and each department with such segregation as to objects and purposes of expenditures as the Council deems necessary for purposes of budget control. The Council shall also adopt a resolution levying the amount of taxes provided in the budget, and the City Administrator shall certify the tax Resolution to the County Auditor in accordance with state law. Adopting of the budget resolution shall constitute appropriations at the beginning of the fiscal year of the sums fixed in the Resolution of the several purposes named.
Subdivision 2.   At least two (2) weeks before the budget is adopted for the ensuing fiscal year, a draft summary of the budget shall be published in the official newspaper. Such summary shall be set forth in language designed to be readily understood by the layperson, and shall provide appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for any increase in the budget over the total for the current fiscal year, but failure to provide the specified summary will not invalidate the budget.