§ 1002.18 FIREWORKS - OTHER.
   Materials which violate this subchapter or state statute and pose a threat to public safety may be confiscated and destroyed. Costs associated with disposal shall be assessed back to the property.
(Ord. 06-02, passed 5-28-2002)
   The Fire Chief or designee may suspend or revoke any permit granted herein for a violation of any term of this subchapter. Any person whose permit has been suspended or revoked or any person whose permit application has been denied may request a review of that determination by the City Council. The request for review shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall place the review request on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. Upon review, the City Council shall affirm or overrule the initial determination to deny, suspend or revoke.
(Ord. 06-02, passed 5-28-2002)
§ 1002.20 VALIDITY.
   Should any section, sentence or word of this subchapter or code herein adopted by declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the Lino Lakes City Council that they would have passed all other portions of this subchapter independent of any section as may be declared invalid.
(Ord. 06-02, passed 5-28-2002)
§ 1002.21 PENALTIES.
   Violations of these fire rules are misdemeanor offenses requiring a court appearance and punishable by fines up to $1,000 and/or 90 days in jail.
(Ord. 06-02, passed 5-28-2002)