   In addition to the definitions contained in M.S. § 349.12, as it may be amended from time to time, the following terms are defined for purposes of this chapter.
   BOARD. The State of Minnesota Gambling Control Board.
   CITY. The City of Lino Lakes.
   COUNCIL. The City Council of the City of Lino Lakes.
   LICENSED ORGANIZATION. An organization licensed by the Board
   TRADE AREA. The area of the city as well as the area of each city and township contiguous to the city.
   (1)   An organization shall not be considered for local consent to conduct lawful gambling in the city unless the organization meets all of the requirements imposed by state law and unless the organization meets at least one of the following conditions:
      (a)   The organization has at least 15 members that are residents of the city;
      (b)   The physical site for the organization headquarters or the registered business office of the organization is located within the city and has been located within the city for at least two years immediately preceding the application for a license;
      (c)   The organization owns real property within the city and the lawful gambling is conducted on the property owned by the organization within the city; or
      (d)   The physical site where the organization regularly holds its meetings and conducts its activities, other than lawful gambling and fund raising, is in the city and has been located within the city for at least two years immediately preceding application for a license.
   (2)   Any organization that purports to meet one of the conditions set forth above shall certify in writing on its application which condition or conditions are being met.
   No organization shall be considered for local consent to conduct gambling in more than three establishments within the city. Further, for local consent, only one organization shall be permitted to operate or sell lawful gambling devices at an owned or leased establishment.
   Lawful gambling, as authorized by M.S. §§ 349.11 through 349.23, inclusive, as they may be amended from time to time, shall not be conducted unless approved by the Council, subject to the provisions of this ordinance and state law.
   (1) Application. Any organization seeking to obtain a premises license or renew a premises license from the Board shall file with the City Clerk an executed, completed duplicate application together with all exhibits and documents.
   (2)   Police Department review. Upon receipt of an application for issuance or renewal of a premises license, the City Clerk shall transmit the application to the Chief of Police for review and recommendation. The Chief of Police shall provide a recommendation as soon as possible but in no event later than 30 days following receipt of the application.
   (3)   Council consideration. The Council shall, by resolution, approve or disapprove the application within 60 days of receipt of the application.
   (4)   Disapproval. The Council may disapprove an application or issuance or renewal of a premises license for any of the following reasons:
      (a)   Violation by the gambling organization of any state statute, state rule or city ordinance relating to gambling within the last three years;
      (b)   Violation by the on-sale establishment or organization leasing the premises for gambling, of any state statute, state rule or city ordinance relating to the operation of the establishment, including but not limited to laws relating to alcoholic beverages, gambling, controlled substances, suppression of vice and protection of public safety within the last three years; and
      (c)   Operation of gambling at the site would be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the community.
(Am. Ord. 03-16, passed 6-13-2016)