§ 404.06 EXEMPTIONS.
   The following land uses are exempt from the stormwater management fee:
   (1)   Public road right-of-way;
   (2)   Lakes;
   (3)   Wetlands;
   (4)   Permanent open space or land covered by a conservation easement;
   (5)   Agricultural properties with no residence;
   (6)   Cemeteries;
   (7)   Vacant land;
   (8)   City and county public parkland; and
   (9)   Other parcels, such as those owned by entities that are MS4 permittees, as determined on a case by case basis as determined by the city.
(Ord. 07-21, passed 8-23-2021)
§ 404.07 PAYMENT OF FEE.
   Each billing for stormwater utility fees not paid when due shall incur a penalty charge as established in the city fee schedule.
(Ord. 07-21, passed 8-23-2021)
   City fee schedule, see § 218.01
§ 404.08 APPEAL OF FEE.
   If a property owner or person responsible for paying the stormwater utility fee believes that a particular assigned fee is incorrect, such a person may request that the fee be reviewed.
(Ord. 07-21, passed 8-23-2021)