   No more than one housing unit or building shall be supplied from one service connection except by permission of the city.
(Prior Code, § 401.06)
   No person, except persons employed by the city, shall tap any distributing main or pipe of water supply system or insert stopcocks or ferrules therein.
(Prior Code, § 401.07)
   It shall be the responsibility of the consumer or owner to maintain the service pipe from the water main into the house or building. In case of failure upon the part of any consumer or owner to repair any leak occurring in his or her pipe within 24 hours after verbal or written notice thereof, the water will be shut off by the city and will not be turned on until a fee established in the city fee schedule has been paid to the city and the leak repaired. When the waste of water is great or when the damage is likely to result from the leak, the water may be turned off immediately pending repairs.
(Prior Code, § 401.08)
   City fee schedule, see § 218.01
   (1)   Abandoned service. All service installations that have been abandoned or have not been used for three years shall be disconnected at the main and all pipe and appurtenances removed shall be the property of the city and any expense of the city shall be charged to the property.
   (2)   Changed service. When new buildings are erected on the site of old ones, and it is desired to increase or change the old water service, no connections with the mains shall be made until all the old service shall have been removed and the main plugged by the city and any expense of the city shall be charged to the property.
(Prior Code, § 401.09)
   Every service pipe must be laid sufficiently waving to allow not less than one foot of extra length and in a manner as to prevent rupture by settlement. The service pipe must be placed no less than seven feet below the surface and in all cases so arranged as to prevent rupture by freezing. Service pipes must extend from the curb box to the inside of the building; or, if not taken into the building, then to the hydrant or other fixtures which it is intended to supply. Type K copper tubing shall be used up to and including two-inch services. All underground joints are to be mechanical, unless otherwise approved by the city plumbing inspector. Joints on copper tubing shall be kept to a minimum, with not more than one joint used for service to 70 feet in length. All joints and connections shall be left uncovered until inspected by the city plumbing inspector and tested at normal water line pressure. All services over two inches shall be cast iron. Connections with the mains for domestic supply shall be at least one inch. One inch cast iron service connections with one inch gate valves and boxes shall be the smallest size permitted from the water main to the property line. Each cast iron service shall be rodded from the water main tee to the gate valve or as directed by the plumbing inspector.
(Prior Code, § 401.10)