§ 303.04 HEARING.
   (1)   Notice and setting. Upon receipt of the estimate, set forth in § 303.03 above, the Council shall by resolution set a date for a public hearing on the proposed improvement, setting forth the time, place and purpose of the hearing. The resolution shall be published twice, at least one week apart, in the official newspaper of the city, no less than two weeks prior to the date of the hearing. Additionally, a copy of the resolution, including estimated unit prices and estimated total price thereof, shall be mailed to each benefitted property owner at his or her last known address at least two weeks prior to the hearing. Failure to give mailed notice or any defects in the notice shall not invalidate the proceedings.
   (2)   Hearing. At the hearing as set above, the Council shall present a special assessment formula and an analysis of the assessment income expected to offset the proposed improvement cost. After presentation of the above, the Council shall receive any written or oral statements and hear any petitioners for or against the proposed improvement.
   (3)   Petition. A period of 60 days shall elapse after the public hearing before any further action shall be taken by the Council on the proposed improvement. If within a 60-day period, in a petitioning process independent of the initiating process, a petition against the improvement be filed with the Council, signed by a majority of the owners proposed to be assessed for the improvement, or when the improvement has been petitioned for, signed by a number of the owners proposed to be assessed for the improvement at least equal to the number of those who petitioned for the improvement, the Council shall not make the improvement at the expense of the property benefitted, unless, in the meantime, there be filed with the Council a petition asking that the improvement be made, signed by property owners proposed to be assessed for the improvement at least equal in number to those who signed the petition against the improvement; in which event the Council may disregard the petition against the improvement.
   (4)   Petitions; generally. Any person's name who appears on any petition allowed by this chapter or the City Charter may cause his or her name to be withdrawn from the petition for a local improvement by filing a signed written statement requesting the same with the Council before the petition is presented to the Council.
(Prior Code, § 303.04)