(A)   Listing information. The following information or parts of information shall be included on the city’s business listing website for each business:
      (1)   Business logo (no larger than 200 by 200 pixels);
      (2)   Name of business;
      (3)   Contact person;
      (4)   Physical address of business;
      (5)   Mailing address of business;
      (6)   City, state, zip code;
      (7)   Phone number;
      (8)   Fax number;
      (9)   E-mail address;
      (10)   Website address; and
      (11)   Brief description of products or service (limited to 108 characters, including spaces).
   (B)   Marquee information. The following may be listed on the business marquee:
      (1)   Business logo (no larger than 200 by 200 pixels); or
      (2)   Name of business and phone number.
   (C)   Fees.
      (1)   Setup fee. A one time fee of $15 shall be charged for the setup of a business listing and/or business marquee listing to the city’s website.
      (2)   Listing fee. A fee of $60 shall be charged to maintain the business listing on the city’s business listing website for one year. All business listing fees issued under the provisions of this subchapter shall be effective from December 1 to November 30 of each year. The listing fee for business listings added to the city’s business listing website after January 1 shall be charged a prorated fee for the months used during the year.
      (3)   Marquee fee. A fee of $60 shall be charged to maintain the business logo or name and phone number on the city’s website business marquee for one year. All business marquee fees issued under the provisions of this section shall be effective from December 1 to November 30 of each year. The marquee fee for businesses added to the city’s website business marquee after January 1 shall be charged a prorated fee for the months used during the year.
   (D)   Payments.
      (1)   Setup fee. The setup fee shall be paid when application is made for the business listing and/or marquee listing.
      (2)   Listing fee. The listing fee shall be paid when application is made for the business listing, and then payable by November 15 for each year thereafter.
      (3)   Marquee fee. The marquee fee shall be paid when application is made for the business marquee, and then payable by November 15 for each year thereafter.
      (4)   Late fee. A late penalty of 10% will be added to accounts not paid by November 15.
   (E)   Discontinued listing.
      (1)   Non-payment. Any business listing or business marquee not paid in full by November 30 shall be removed from the city’s website by December 5. A business listing that is removed for nonpayment will have to fill out a new application and pay the setup fee, listing fee, and/or marquee fee to be added back to the city’s website.
      (2)   Requested removal. A business must request in writing to be removed from the city’s website. The business listing and/or business marquee will be removed within ten days of receipt of written requested removal date. A full refund of any unused full months shall be made within 30 days of requested removal.
(Ord. 07-004, passed 11-6-2007)