(A) License requirements.
(1) No owner or operator of any vehicle used for dispensing or vending confections or other goods directly from such vehicle shall carry on such dispensing or vending, unless as exempted by state law or licensed as provided in this chapter.
(2) This chapter shall not apply to persons using vehicles for the delivery of goods or services directly to homes or establishments, where the goods are taken by the operator of the vehicle onto private property for delivery; nor shall it apply to the operations of any political subdivision or unit of government.
(3) For purposes of this chapter, a VEHICLE shall mean any mobile unit being used on the public streets for the purpose of vending or dispensing as aforesaid.
(B) Application for license.
(1) Application for license shall be made to the City Clerk.
(a) It shall describe the vehicle or vehicles from which vending operations will be carried on, and shall give the names of the persons interested in the business.
(b) It shall also describe the types of confections or other goods that will be sold from the vehicle or vehicles.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by the annual fee, which shall be $25 per vehicle.
(3) Licenses shall run from January 1 to December 31.
(4) If an application for a license is denied, the fee shall be refunded to the applicant.
(C) Hours. No person licensed hereunder shall carry on vending operations, except between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; nor on any public street between the one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour before sunrise.
(D) Area restriction. The Council may restrict the area of vending operations, which area will be specified on the license.
(E) Safety requirements.
(1) Every licensee shall maintain liability insurance in the amount of at least $500,000 for any and all claims arising out of the activity licensed, together with at least $200,000 property insurance, and shall name the city as an additional insured. A certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City Administrator.
(2) Vehicles must be parked at the curb while engaging in vending operations, and vending shall be done only at the curb side of the vehicle.
(a) Each vehicle must be equipped with flashing lights, on both the front and rear of vehicle, clearly visible to oncoming cars in full daylight.
(b) While carrying on vending operations, every vehicle shall activate its flashing lights for the full period in which it is stopped for vending, or which is stopped in such manner or at such place as to reasonably cause others to believe that it is proposing to engage in vending operations.
(F) Noise. No vehicle licensed hereunder shall use any sound or attractive light other than of a type and magnitude specifically approved by the Council.
(Ord. 06-03-01, passed 3-16-06)