The following are the purpose statements for each of the city’s base zoning districts:
   (A)   R-1, Low Density Detached Residential District. The purpose of the R-1 District is to provide for the preservation of existing single-family residential neighborhoods. This district is intended to apply to areas of existing single-family development and is not meant to be expanded further.
   (B)   R-2, Low Density Attached and Detached Residential District. The purpose of the R-2 District is to support a mixture of detached and attached single-family dwellings, as well as smaller multiple-family buildings. This district is intended to be located in existing residential areas near downtown and in areas of potential infill and redevelopment throughout the city to serve as a transition between higher density residential and/or commercial districts and lower density residential neighborhoods. Neighborhoods in this district are generally expected to be more dense than those found in the R-1 District and should be characterized by a walkable grid or connected street pattern, a range of housing types, and convenient access to goods and services.
   (C)   R-3, Mixed Density Residential District. The purpose of the R-3 District is to encourage the creation of residential neighborhoods with a mixture of residential uses including single-family detached and attached dwellings, attached townhouses and rowhouses, and multiple-family buildings. This district is intended to be located in new development areas of the city where public sewer and water are available. It is intended that the overall density of a residential development will meet the underlying Comprehensive Plan designation. Neighborhoods should be designed with a connected street pattern, range of housing types, and interspersed parks and green spaces.
   (D)   R-4, Medium/High Density Residential District. The purpose of the R-4 District is to accommodate a variety of medium to high density housing types including townhouses, apartments, and senior housing to meet the diverse and evolving housing needs of Lindstrom. Developments within this district should be walkable and should provide convenient access to goods and services.
   (E)   RM, Manufactured Home Park District. The purpose of the R-M District is to provide for manufactured home uses in an appropriate, safe, sanitary and attractive environment.
   (F)   CBD, Central Business District. The purpose of the CBD District is to provide for the establishment of a downtown which stresses the interaction of people and businesses within a compact central area. This district should contain a mix of cultural, civic, entertainment, residential, retail, service, and office uses. Consideration for pedestrian and bicycle access shall be integrated.
   (G)   B-1, General Business District. The B-1 District is intended for retail and service-oriented businesses which are oriented toward motorists and rely on higher volumes of traffic.
   (H)   B-2, Business Park District. The B-2 District is intended to provide accessible opportunities near transportation corridors for industries that may benefit from the accommodation of both office and light industrial uses on-site. Uses in this district are limited to those that are compatible with lower intensity residential and business uses and which have limited amounts of truck traffic in comparison to higher intensity industrial uses.
   (I)   I-1, Industrial District. The purpose of the I-1 District is to provide for industrial, manufacturing, and warehouse uses.
   (J)   AO, Agriculture Open Space. The AO District is intended to provide a district which will allow suitable areas of the city to be retained and utilized in open space, parks, recreational, and/or agricultural uses and prevent scattered non-farm uses from developing improperly.
   (K)   DH, Development Holding. The DH District is intended to be a holding district for those parcels which are annexed into the city where existing uses may continue without changes. At the time of annexation, parcels will be zoned DH unless special action is taken to place it in another district. A parcel will be rezoned from DH to the appropriate city zoning district at the time of development following review and approval by the City Council.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)