§ 151.07.15 TEMPORARY SIGNS.
   (A)   Temporary signs are exempt from permit requirements but must otherwise be in conformance with all requirements of this Division.
   (B)   The following temporary signs may be placed on a property:
      (1)   Any property that is currently for sale or rent may place one sign in the front yard. Such signs must be removed within ten days after the sale or rental of the property. Such signs shall not exceed six square feet in area in all residential districts and 32 square feet per side in area in all other districts.
      (2)   Signs posted in accordance with M.S. § 211B.045.
      (3)   Any property where an open building permit has been issued may place one non-illuminated sign on the property.
         (a)   The sign may not exceed six feet above grade in height if located in a residential district, and eight feet above grade in height if located in other districts.
         (b)   The sign shall not be erected before issuance of a building permit or remain after issuance of certificate of occupancy.
      (4)   Banners and other similar temporary signs may be used no more than three times per calendar year provided they are approved by the Zoning Administrator and limited for a period not to exceed 14 days. These signs shall be no larger than six square feet in area.
      (5)   One monument sign per entrance to a subdivision or development.
         (a)   The sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in sign area and six feet in height.
         (b)   The monument sign shall not be placed outside the applicable subdivision or development.
         (c)   Any monument sign shall require a permit issued by the city to the property owner specifying the duration of time to be displayed and the party responsible for maintenance and removal.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)