§ 151.07.14 EXEMPT SIGNS.
   The following signs are excluded from the provisions of this Division:
   (A)   Property identification information visible from the street for public safety purposes;
   (B)   Traffic control signs authorized by federal, state, or municipal governments with property jurisdiction;
   (C)   The flag of any nation, respectfully displayed;
   (D)   Pennants;
   (E)   Window signs encompassing no more than 25% of the window;
   (F)   Official notices authorized by a court, public body, or public safety official; and
   (G)   Warning and restrictive signs, such as “No Trespassing” and “No Hunting” signs placed upon private property by the owner, not to exceed two square feet in area.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)