(A)   For apartment uses immediately adjacent to Highway 8 or North 1st Avenue, exclusive of required entrances, the residential use and any parking may occupy no portion of the front one-half of the first story floor area. For corner or through lots, the standard shall be applied to one street frontage as determined by the Community Development Department in consultation with the applicant. As permitted in Table 151.02.01 Principal Uses Table, non-residential uses are allowed in the front one-half story floor area.
   (B)   The orientation of the apartment structure shall match the orientation of other existing principal structures along the block on which it is located.
   (C)   Windows or other transparent materials should make up 60% of the ground floor.
   (D)   Wall planes shall not run in one continuous direction for more than 36 feet without a change of at least three feet. Any architectural projection or recess used to accomplish this change shall be a minimum of six feet wide and three feet deep. This requirement is shown in Figure 151.05.02 Façade Articulation.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)