All uses shall comply with the following standards except as otherwise proved in this section:
   (A)   Lighting fixtures shall be effectively shielded and arranged so as not to shine directly on any residential property. Lighting fixtures not of a cutoff type shall not exceed 2,000 lumens (equivalent to a 150 watt incandescent bulb).
   (B)   Lighting shall not directly or indirectly cause illumination or glare in excess of one-half foot-candle measured at the street curb line or nonresidential property line nearest the light source.
   (C)   Time of outdoor lighting reduction in non-residential areas and common areas of multi-family residential properties shall be 11:00 p.m. or one hour after the close of business, whichever is later. After such time, total outdoor brightness (lumens) must be reduced by at least 50% or turned off, unless light levels need to be maintained due to traffic or safety concerns.
   (D)   No exterior light source on a nonresidential property shall be visible from any permitted or conditional residential use.
   (E)   Lighting shall not create a sensation of brightness that is substantially greater than ambient lighting conditions as to cause annoyance, discomfort or decreased visual performance or visibility from any permitted or conditional residential use.
   (F)   Lighting shall not create a hazard for vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
   (G)   Motion sensing light fixtures shall be adjusted according to the manufacturer’s instructions to dim or turn off no more than ten minutes after detected motion ceases, unless located at the main entrance of a building.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)