§ 151.04.51 PURPOSE.
   (A)   It is the policy of the city to recognize and protect the integrity of the natural environment of the community through the preservation, protection, and planting of trees.
   (B)   The city has found it necessary and desirable to establish requirements for the preservation and replanting of trees in order to maintain a healthy and desirable community and to ultimately provide a long term environmental and economic benefit.
   (C)   In establishing tree preservation requirements, the city intends to:
      (1)   Prevent clear cutting;
      (2)   Preserve the existing tree canopy through root protection by eliminating or reducing compaction, filling or excavation;
      (3)   Preserve a continuous tree canopy throughout the site and extending into adjoining properties whenever possible;
      (4)   Preserve mix of tree ages, sizes, and species;
      (5)   Preserve the existing under-story and forest floor vegetation;
      (6)   Preserve both front and backyard trees in residential developments with custom lot development and site specific roadway alignments;
      (7)   Prevent soil erosion and sedimentation;
      (8)   Control the spread of tree diseases from affected trees to healthy trees;
      (9)   Protect privacy by establishing and maintaining buffers between land uses;
      (10)   Providing habitat for wildlife, including birds that help in the control of insects; and
      (11)   Support energy conservation through natural insulation and shading.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)