(A)   All open areas of a lot not used for buildings, parking, circulation, patios or storage must be landscaped with a combination of canopy trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees, shrubs, flowers, gardens, sod, ground cover, natural drainage features, and other site design features to ensure soil stabilization. This requirement shall not apply to undisturbed areas retained in a natural state.
   (B)   Landscape plans shall be submitted for all site and subdivision related applications where exterior construction and development activity will occur, except for the construction of an individual one- or two-family dwelling. Where there is greater than one acre of site disturbance, the landscape plan shall be prepared by a registered landscape architect.
   (C)   The following minimum number of plant materials shall be provided:
      (1)   All residential one- and two-family developments shall require two canopy trees per dwelling unit.
      (2)   All multi-family, mixed-use, and non-residential uses shall provide:
         (a)   One canopy or evergreen tree per 25 linear feet of street frontage.
         (b)   All structures must have foundation plantings consisting of shrubs, perennials, and native grasses.
         (c)   All additions, expansions, or additional structures shall require an additional two shrubs per 1,000 square feet of new construction.
   (D)   All plant materials must:
      (1)   Meet the minimum standards set by the American National Standards Institute in ANSI Z60.1 American Standard for Nursery Stock.
      (2)   Landscape species shall be indigenous or proven adaptable to the climate, but shall not be invasive species.
      (3)   Landscape materials shall be tolerant of specific site conditions, including but not limited to heat, drought, and salt.
      (4)   Existing healthy plant material may be utilized to satisfy landscaping requirements, provided it meets the minimum plant size specified in this division.
   (E)   Not more than 30% of the required number of trees shall be of the same genus.
   (F)   Trees and shrubs may be clustered and do not need to be evenly spaced. For residential properties, it is preferable that new trees be located on the lot itself and not within the right-of-way.
   (G)   The minimum size of plantings shall be as follows:
      (1)   Canopy trees: two and a half-inch caliper;
      (2)   Ornamental trees: one and a half-inch caliper;
      (3)   Evergreen trees: six-foot height; and
      (4)   Deciduous or evergreen shrubs: five gallon pot.
   (H)   Mulch shall consist of shredded bark, chipped wood, or stone installed at a minimum depth of two inches. If stone is used, it shall be spread over a permeable weed barrier fabric.
   (I)   Prior to the issuance of a building permit for all projects requiring approval of a landscape plan, the developer, contractor, or property owner shall deposit a security with the city to guarantee compliance with and to indemnify the city for any expenses incurred in enforcing the requirements of this section. The landscaping security for all uses, which does not include one- or two-family dwellings, shall be in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator and shall be equal to 125% of the estimated cost necessary to furnish and plant the required landscaping and any ancillary screening improvements such as fencing. The estimated cost shall be subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator.
   (J)   All required plant materials shall be planted prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy. In the event that the project is completed during a time of year when planting is impractical, a security meeting the requirements of and in the amount of the remaining improvements will be required. In such case that a performance guarantee is required, all landscaping shall be completed within one year after the certificate of occupancy has been issued.
   (K)   The continued maintenance of all required landscaping materials in a live and healthy state is a required responsibility of the owner and tenant of the property. Plantings which have died shall be promptly replaced in accordance with the landscape plan approved for the site. This requirement shall run with the land and be binding upon all future property owners. Failure to comply with this maintenance requirement shall be a violation of this section.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)