§ 151.04.33 FENCE HEIGHT.
   (A)   The height shall be measured from the average point between the highest and lowest grade. In no case shall a fence exceed the height of the principal building.
   (B)   In residential districts, no fence in the portion of the required street yard or required corner side yard located in front of the home shall exceed four feet in height and six feet in height in the rear yard and interior side yard.
Figure 151.04.03. Residential Fence Height
   (C)   In commercial and industrial districts, no fence shall exceed eight feet in height. Fences may exceed eight feet in height with a conditional use permit. Solid fencing or privacy fencing shall not exceed six feet in height, with any fencing above six feet to be at least 75% open for the passage of air and light.
Figure 151.04.04. Non-Residential Fence Height
   (D)   In the Agricultural District, no fence shall exceed ten feet in height. If a privacy fence is desired, the fence height shall not exceed six feet. If an agricultural fence is desired, the fence height shall not exceed ten feet and must be at least 75% open for the passage of air and light.
Figure 151.04.05. Agricultural Fence Height
Figure 151.04.06. Agricultural Fence Height – Privacy Fence
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)