(A)   Changes of buildings or land. No change of use of land or of use of any building shall be made until there is sufficient parking, loading and garage spaces as required by this part.
   (B)   Reduction of existing spaces. No parking, loading or garage spaces existing upon the effective date of this chapter shall subsequently be reduced below the requirements of this part unless said number of spaces exceed the requirement set forth herein.
   (C)   Calculating space.
      (1)   Where calculations result in requiring a fractional space or any fraction less than one-half shall be disregarded and any fraction of one-half or more shall require one space.
      (2)   The term “floor area,” for the purpose of calculating the number of off-street parking spaces required, shall be determined on the basis of the exterior floor area dimensions of the building structure or use times the number of floors, minus 10%.
      (3)   Should a building or structure contain two or more types of uses, each should be calculated separately for determining the off-street parking space or garage capacity required.
   (D)   Use of space. Required parking, loading or garage spaces shall not be used for snow storage, storage of goods, or for storage of vehicles that are inoperable or for sale or rent.
   (E)   Maintenance. It shall be the joint and several responsibility of the lessee and/or owner of the principal use, uses or building to maintain in a neat and adequate manner, the parking area, striping, garages, landscaping and screening.
   (F)   Signs. Signs located in parking areas necessary for orderly operation of traffic movement shall be permitted in addition to others as regulated by Division 151.07 Signage.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)