(A)   Placement and design of roads, driveways, and parking areas. Public and private roads, driveways, and parking areas must be designed to take advantage of natural vegetation and topography to achieve maximum screening from view from public waters. They must be designed and constructed to minimize and control erosion to public waters consistent with the field office technical guides of the local soil and water conservation district or other applicable technical materials.
   (B)   Roads, driveways, and parking areas must meet structure setbacks and must not be placed within Bluff and Shore Impact Zones, when other reasonable and feasible placement alternatives exist. If no alternatives exist, they may be placed within these areas and must be designed to minimize adverse impacts.
   (C)   Public and private watercraft access ramps, approach roads and access-related parking areas may be placed within Shore Impact Zones provided the vegetation, screenings and erosion control conditions of this section are met. For private facilities, the grading and filling provisions hereof must also be met.
   (D)   Paving permit required.
      (1)   Purpose. In order to facilitate this section, the city shall require an impervious surface permit demonstrating that projects involving the installation of impervious materials are in compliance with the provisions of the impervious surface requirements as stated in § 151.02.31 General Provisions.
      (2)   Permit required. No person, firm, corporation, company or other entity (public or private) shall cause the placement of asphalt, concrete or other impervious material within the city without first obtaining a paving permit and/or all other required permits from the city and other appropriate entities.
      (3)   Application. Unless otherwise regulated herein, any person, firm, corporation, company or public entity shall fill out an application, provided by the city, for a permit to place impervious materials for driveways, sidewalks, pathways, parking areas and other uses within the city. The application shall be reviewed by the city. If the project is found to be in compliance with the impervious surface requirements, the city may issue a permit allowing the work to be accomplished.
      (4)   Liability. Any project approved should be constructed as to have minimal impact on adjacent property. Efforts shall be taken to keep all runoff from the project area on the subject property until it can outflow to a public drainageway.
      (5)   Fees. The fee for the application shall be set by motion of the City Council. For minor projects, the fee may be waived.
      (6)   Projects not covered. A permit is not required for the normal care and maintenance of an existing impervious surface so long as the square footage of the surface is not increased.
   (E)   Parking lots, excluding entrance/exit drives, may not be constructed closer than three feet from the property line.
(Ord. 20220120-01, passed 1-20-22)