(A)   A person may not operate a food establishment without a permit issued by the regulatory authority. The person in charge of a food establishment shall be a certified food protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing an examination approved by the Texas Department of Health. Permits are not transferable from one person to another or from one location to another location, except as otherwise permitted by this chapter. A valid permit must be posted in a conspicuous public place regulated by this chapter.
   (B)   A food establishment operated solely by a nonprofit organization is exempt from the permit fees as required of this chapter, but is not exempt from compliance with state rules. The regulatory authority may require any information necessary to determine whether an organization is nonprofit for purposes of this exemption.
   (C)   A temporary food establishment may operate under a temporary permit issued by the regulatory authority and shall operate in compliance with state rules.
(Ord. 1118-2, passed 10-12-2018)