(A)   Compliance with state and federal manufacturing standards. All liquefied petroleum gas equipment and containers used within the city shall be manufactured, installed and maintained in compliance with then current state and federal standards and must be installed by properly trained and licensed personnel.
   (B)   Use of L.P.G. Liquefied petroleum gas as a source of fuel for heating and cooling residential and commercial buildings and structures within the city shall be permitted only where natural gas service is not available. For the purposes of this section, NOT AVAILABLE shall mean that natural gas service is not available within 200 feet of the property line on which the residence or commercial building where L.P.G. is sought to be used as a source of heating or cooling fuel is located.
   (C)   Location of L.P.G. containers. Where permitted, L.P.G. tanks for use in heating or cooling or for storage shall be installed in strict compliance with the International Fire Code wherein the owner must be aware of the distance from building, streets or alleys, churches, schools and lot lines for the various size tank capacities as provided in the 2003 International Fire Code, Chapter 38.
   (D)   Building permit required. Prior to the construction of any building requiring the installation of any L.P.G. tanks or the later installation of such tanks within the city for use as a source for heating and cooling for any residential or commercial building as described in division (B) above, the owners shall by required to obtain a building permit from the city as provided by the City Building Code.
   (E)   Exceptions. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting use of L.P.G. for construction purposes or temporary heating or for recreational use such as in recreational vehicles or portable gas grills so long as the containers and the gas appliances are manufactured in compliance with state and federal standards.
(Ord. 0207-1, passed 2-12-2007) Penalty, see § 150.999