§ 111.35 VIOLATION.
   It is a violation of this chapter for:
   (A)   Any applicant or its representative to conduct sales activity in the city unless the city has issued to the applicant a license under this chapter;
   (B)   Any applicant or his, her or its representative to conduct any sales activity at the home, residence or abode of any person in the city before 8:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m., except where the occupant of the property has invited the person conducting the sale activity upon the property;
   (C)   Any person to solicit funds for a charitable purpose other than that which is set out in the application upon which the permit was issued;
   (D)   Any person to conduct any sales activity while not displaying an identification badge issued or approved by the city;
   (E)   Any person to conduct sales activity while displaying an identification badge issued by the city in the name of another person, organization or entity of which the individual is not a representative and stated on the application of the applicant;
   (F)   Any person to conduct sales activity within the corporate limits of the city after the expiration of the license issued by the city;
   (G)   Any person to conduct sales activity within the corporate limits of the city without a license;
   (H)   Any person to conduct sales activity within the corporate limits of the city for a purpose other than that which is set out in the application upon which the license was issued;
   (I)   Any person or its representative to represent that the issuance of a license by the city constitutes an endorsement or approval of the purposes of a solicitation or product for sale, by the city;
   (J)   Any person, applicant or its representative to go upon the premises of any house, abode or residence of any citizen of the city, where there is posted a sign stating “No Solicitation” or other notice indicating that no solicitation is to occur on the premises, notice of trespass under the Tex. Penal Code or the premises have been posted by a conspicuous sign; and
   (K)   Any person, applicant or its representative to go upon the premises of any house, abode or residence of any citizen of the city, where the residence or premise is listed in the central registry.
(Ord. 04-97, passed 4-7-1997)