(A)   Minimum Landscaping Requirements For Residential And Nonresidential Off Street Parking Areas And Lots: Each residential and nonresidential off street parking lot must contain a minimum amount of landscaping within the parking lots and adjoining entrance drives and circulation drives as set forth in table 159-7.710(A) of this division. A specified number of landscape plant units must be planted per 24 parking spaces or fraction thereof as set forth in table 159-7.710(A) of this division. Where the resulting number of required plant units is expressed in a fraction, the required number of landscape plant units will be rounded to the next highest whole number.
TABLE 159-7.710(A)
Zoning District And Type Of Use
Minimum Landscape Area Required Within The Off Street Parking Area Per 24 Required Off Street Parking Spaces Or Fraction Thereof
Minimum Number Of Plant Units 1 Required To Be Planted Within Required Off Street Parking Landscape Areas Per 24 Required Off Street Parking Spaces Or Fraction Thereof
Zoning District And Type Of Use
Minimum Landscape Area Required Within The Off Street Parking Area Per 24 Required Off Street Parking Spaces Or Fraction Thereof
Minimum Number Of Plant Units 1 Required To Be Planted Within Required Off Street Parking Landscape Areas Per 24 Required Off Street Parking Spaces Or Fraction Thereof
All zoning districts:
All agricultural uses
All zoning districts (except as otherwise noted below):
All residential uses (with 0 to 5 off street parking spaces)
All residential uses (with more than 5 off street parking spaces)
720 sq. ft.
2 plant units
All other uses
720 sq. ft.
2.5 plant units
Other specified zoning districts:
All uses in the O and I Districts
900 sq. ft.
2.5 plant units
All uses in the CBR-2 District
700 sq. ft.2
22 caliper canopy/shade trees (3 in. cal.); 4 caliper understory trees (2 in. cal.); 16 shrubs (18 in. tall)
All uses in the BK District
900 sq. ft.
3 plant units
   1.    See § 159-7.702, table 159-7.702 of this part.
   2.    Per 20 required off street parking spaces.
   (B)   Existing Vegetation: Existing trees that can be preserved, where grading does not cut them off from a reasonable supply of water and where the area under the canopy remains undisturbed, may count towards the plant requirements by measuring the area of the island. The minimum size of such an island is 300 square feet. Table 159-7.710(A) of this section specifies the minimum area requirements per 24 required off street parking spaces or fraction thereof.
   (C)   Curbs, Barriers, And Overhangs: The curb or barrier around landscape areas may be utilized as a wheel stop provided the area of vehicle overhang does not exceed 2 feet and does not damage or interfere with the landscaping. Where vehicle overhangs abut required landscape areas, a minimum 5 foot wide planting area is required for a single vehicle overhang and an 8 foot wide planting area for a double vehicle overhang. Vehicle overhang into the public right-of-way is not permitted. The landscaped area within these planters may be used to satisfy, to the extent provided, the landscaping requirements.
   (D)   Uses Not Permitted In Required Landscaped Areas: Parking (except where vehicle overhang is permitted), buildings, and display of equipment or vehicles are not permitted in required landscaped areas.
   (E)   Required Landscape Materials Not To Constitute A Driving Hazard: To ensure that landscape materials do not constitute a driving hazard:
      (1)   Trees used to landscape parking islands must have a clear trunk height of 6 feet; and
      (2)   Mature shrubs, ground cover, or other landscaping material must not exceed 3 feet in height.
(Ord. 17-2-2065, passed 2-27-2017)