(A)   No Obstructions Permitted: In order to provide adequate vision clearance, no obstructions are permitted between the heights of 2.5 feet and 10 feet above the plane through the mean curb grades within the triangular space formed by any 2 existing or proposed intersecting street or alley right-of-way lines and a line joining points on such lines, located a minimum of 30 feet from their intersection.
   (B)   Corner Cut Off Distances For Intersecting Arterial And/Or Collector Streets: In the case of arterial and/or collector streets intersecting with other arterial and/or collector streets, the corner cut off distances establishing the triangular vision clearance space will be increased to 50 feet. The 50 feet will be as measured from the 2 intersecting street rights-of-way lines and a line joining the 2 points on such lines. No visual obstructions, such as structures, parking, or vegetation, are permitted in any triangular vision clearance space.
(Ord. 17-2-2065, passed 2-27-2017)