(A)   Authority: The Plan Commission has the authority to prepare and recommend to the Board of Trustees a Comprehensive Plan of the Village and the unincorporated areas surrounding the Village and from time to time to prepare and recommend amendments thereto, any or all of which the Board of Trustees may adopt as the "Official Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Lindenhurst", all in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter and subject to the standards set forth in this section.
   (B)   Purpose: The Official Comprehensive Plan is considered an official statement of the policy of the Village with respect to the existing and developing character of the various areas of the Village and its vicinity; the proper objectives, standards, and direction for future maintenance, growth, development, and redevelopment of the Village; the means to be employed to protect existing character or development and to encourage future development that will be in the best interests of the Village; and the actions and programs to be undertaken by the Village with respect to its future maintenance and development.
   (C)   Procedures:
      (1)   Referral. The Board of Trustees may, at any time, refer a proposed Comprehensive Plan to the Plan Commission for consideration and recommendation.
      (2)   Public Hearing. A public hearing will be set, noticed, and conducted by the Plan Commission in accordance with §§ 159-2.202 and 159-2.203 of this part.
      (3)   Action By Plan Commission. The Plan Commission will return its recommendation on the proposed Comprehensive Plan to the Board of Trustees not later than 90 days following the receipt of the referral. In the event a recommendation is not delivered, the Board of Trustees may proceed to consider the plan without a recommendation. When satisfied that a plan or a part thereof is adequate for adoption as an amendment of the Official Comprehensive Plan of the Village or a part thereof, the Plan Commission will transmit the plan or part thereof to the Board of Trustees together with its recommendations for adoption of the plan as well as any reports or statements deemed necessary to a full consideration of the plan or part thereof. The transmittal will be made not later than 15 days following the close of the public hearing concerning the plan.
      (4)   Action By Board Of Trustees. Upon receiving a recommendation of the Plan Commission with respect to the adoption or amendment of any plan or a part thereof, the Board of Trustees may adopt the plan in whole or in part by ordinance duly enacted, with or without amendments; or may refer the plan or any part thereof back to the Plan Commission for further consideration; or may reject the plan. The Board of Trustees will take action not later than 90 days following the close of the Plan Commission public hearing on such plan. The failure of the Board of Trustees to act within this time period will be deemed to be a rejection of the plan. Upon the adoption of any plan or part thereof, it will be designated as the "Official Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Lindenhurst" and, if less than a total Comprehensive Plan, will carry a subheading designating its specific contents.
      (5)   Amendment To Comprehensive Plan. The Official Comprehensive Plan, or any part thereof, may be amended at any time in accordance with the provisions of this section. An amendment may be initiated by the Board of Trustees, the Plan Commission, the Zoning Administrator, or by any owner of lots affected by the provisions of the plan sought to be amended. Amendments initiated by the Board of Trustees, the Plan Commission, or the Zoning Administrator require no formal application and will be processed as otherwise provided in this section. Amendments initiated by the owner of affected land must be initiated by an application filed pursuant to § 159-2.201 of this part.
      (6)   Plan Filing And Notice Of Adoption. The Zoning Administrator will cause a certified copy of the ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan or amendment to be placed on file in the Office of the Village Clerk and will cause a notice evidencing the adoption of the plan, or part thereof, to be filed with the County.
(Ord. 17-2-2065, passed 2-27-2017)