(A)   General Powers: The Zoning Administrator is charged with the administration and enforcement of this chapter. In addition to the jurisdiction, authority, and duties conferred on the Zoning Administrator by other provisions of State Statutes and Village codes and ordinances, the Zoning Administrator has all powers necessary for the administration and enforcement and has, in particular, the jurisdiction, authority, and duties set out in this chapter. The Zoning Administrator will be designated by the Village Administrator. In the event a Zoning Administrator is not designated by the Village Administrator, or in the event of a vacancy in this position, the Village Administrator will act as Zoning Administrator. Whenever the phrase "Zoning Administrator" is used in this chapter, it will be deemed to include Zoning Administrator or his or her designee.
   (B)   Rules; Regulations; Application Forms: Consistent with the express standards, purposes, and intent of this chapter, the Zoning Administrator is authorized to promulgate, adopt, and issue procedural rules, regulations, and forms that are in the Zoning Administrator's opinion necessary to the effective administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   Records: The Zoning Administrator will maintain:
      (1)   Permanent and current records pertaining to this chapter, including all maps, amendments, special use permits, variations, and planned unit development approvals and denials, interpretations, and decisions rendered by the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Plan Commission, the Village Attorney, and the Zoning Administrator, together with relevant background files and materials.
      (2)   A current file of all notices of violations, discontinuances, terminations, or removals, issued by or entrusted to the Zoning Administrator's Office for such time as necessary to ensure continuous compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (D)   Applications; Receipt, Processing, Referral To Interested Parties And Agencies: The Zoning Administrator will receive all applications required to be filed pursuant to this chapter. Upon receipt of any application, the Zoning Administrator will see to its expeditious processing, including its prompt referral to and retrieval from each official, board, or commission of the Village, or other government, with any interest or duty with respect to the application.
   (E)   Interpretations: Pursuant to § 159-2.310 of this part, the Zoning Administrator has the authority to issue a written interpretation of the meaning and applicability of specific provisions of this chapter. Any interpretation of this chapter will be kept on file with the Zoning Administrator and will be a public record of the Village open to inspection by interested parties at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice.
   (F)   Extensions Of Time: Upon written request, the Zoning Administrator may, for good cause shown and without any notice or hearing, grant extensions of any time limit imposed on an owner or applicant by this chapter or, unless the ordinance or resolution expressly provides otherwise, by any ordinance or resolution of any body acting pursuant to this chapter. The total period of time granted by an extension or extensions will not exceed the length of the original period.
   (G)   Inspection And Enforcement: In furtherance of the enforcement of this chapter, the Zoning Administrator will undertake regular and continuing programs of inspection of work and of existing structures and uses as are feasible and proper within the limits of staff and budgeted funds; will undertake such additional inspections as may be necessary to the performance of his or her duties; will receive from any person complaints alleging a violation of this chapter; and when appropriate will cause investigations and inspections as may be warranted by complaints to be made. Upon finding the existence of any violation of this chapter, the Zoning Administrator will take or direct all actions necessary and appropriate to abate and redress the violation, including revoking any building or occupancy permit and issue cease and desist orders requiring the cessation of any building, moving, alteration, or use which is in violation of the provisions of this chapter, or with authorization of the Village Board, commence any legal proceedings necessary to enforce the provisions of this chapter including the collection of forfeitures provided for by this chapter.
   (H)   Reports: The Zoning Administrator, as may from time to time be appropriate, will prepare and submit a report to the Board of Trustees, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Plan Commission concerning the administration of the land use and development regulations of the Village, setting forth information and statistical data as may be of interest and value in advancing and furthering the goals and purposes of such regulations, and setting forth the Zoning Administrator's recommendations for the improvement of such regulations and their administration.
   (I)   Site Plan Review: The Zoning Administrator will receive and review all site plans as required by this chapter.
   (J)   Administrative Policies For Applications: The Zoning Administrator is authorized and directed to prepare and implement administrative policies pertaining to applications for zoning, subdivision, and other relief as provided by this chapter, including without limitation the required form, number, scale, data submittals, and filing deadlines.
   (K)   Other Duties: The Zoning Administrator will perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Village Administrator.
(Ord. 17-2-2065, passed 2-27-2017)