(A)   The Department of Police and the Health Officer shall inspect the premises of every junk shop, junkyard and paper dealer and every vehicle engaged in the business and shall, from time to time, make suggestions with respect to the health of the community.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to operate or maintain any junkyard, as defined by this code, partly or wholly outside the confines of the building without fencing the outer boundaries of the same with a tight fence no less than eight feet in height. The fence shall be constructed in accordance with the building code of the village and applicable ordinances and shall be maintained in a neat, substantial, safe condition and shall be painted unless of masonry or rustproof metals. No junk or secondhand article shall be piled or permitted to be piled against the enclosing fence or to a height above the enclosing fence.
   (C)   The keeper of a junk shop or junkyard shall not purchase or receive any property from a minor without the written consent of his parent or guardian.
   (D)   A keeper of a junk shop shall not purchase from anyone except from a dealer, licensed plumber, licensed peddler or the owners of buildings from which the material is taken, any lead pipe, faucets, boilers or other plumbing material.
('68 Code, § 43.09) Penalty, see § 113.999