(A)   Duties And Responsibilities: Public works, through the and at the direction of the superintendent shall perform the following duties:
      (1)   Update the urban forestry plan as may be needed. The plan shall outline urban forestry program activities for a minimum of the next 3 years. This budgetary plan shall describe the urban forestry activities to be undertaken by the village, the reasons for those activities, the possible funding source(s), the means of accomplishing the activities, the activity, the projected date of completion, and the consequences if the activity is not completed. Activities may include, but are not limited to, street tree inventory, planting, tree removal, provision for animal habitat, beautification projects and educational projects.
      (2)   Develop and periodically review and revise, as necessary, the "Arboricultural Specifications Manual". This manual shall contain regulations and standards for the planting, maintenance and removal of trees, shrubs, and other plants upon village owned property.
(Ord. 12-2-1878, passed 2-13-2012)