(A)   The City Council has the authority to establish by resolution special days and privileges for the benefit of the city merchants and businesses for displaying and selling merchandise other than in their stores.
   (B)   Except as otherwise provided by such resolution, merchants in the city are permitted to display merchandise, wares, goods, appliances, commodities, and moveable advertising signs on the sidewalks, subject to the following conditions and restrictions.
      (1)   Merchants and businesses located on North and South Bridge Streets and on East and West Broad Streets are permitted to display their merchandise, wares, goods, appliances, commodities, and moveable advertising signs adjacent to the front of their places of business, on the city sidewalks, providing that there shall be a minimum of 11 feet between the outer edge of the street curb and such display of clear, unobstructed sidewalk for pedestrian traffic.
      (2)   Merchants and businesses located in any area of the city other than as set forth in division (B)(1) above are permitted to use the city sidewalk for display, advertising, and sale purposes adjacent to their place of business, providing they leave two-thirds or four feet of the outer edge of the sidewalk, whichever is greater, clear and unobstructed for pedestrian traffic.
(2011 Code, § 12.08.060)  (Ord. 79, passed - -1976)