Any permit for a special event issued pursuant to this subchapter may be revoked by the City Manager, Chief of Police, or the Fire Chief at any time prior to or during the event because of emergency, disaster, calamity, disorder, riot, extreme traffic conditions, violation of this subchapter, or any permit conditions, undue burden on public services or if he, she, or they determine that the health, safety, tranquility, morals, or welfare of the public or the safety of any property requires such revocation. Notice of revocation of the approval shall be delivered in writing if time permits, or by personal contact with the individual designated to be in charge of the event. Continuance after such notice has been delivered will be deemed unlawful. The city and its employees, agents, and contractors shall have no liability because of the revocation of a special event permit.
(Ord. 345, passed 10-28-2013)