(A)   A conditional district allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project. Some land uses are of such a nature or scale that they have significant impacts on both the immediately surrounding area and on the entire community, which cannot be predetermined and controlled by general district standards. There are also circumstances in which a general district designation allowing such a use by right would not be appropriate for a particular property even though the use itself could, if properly planned, be appropriate for the property consistent with the objectives of these regulations and the adopted Land Use Plan. The review process established in this Part provides for the accommodation of such uses by a reclassification of property into a conditional district, subject to specific conditions, which ensure compatibility of the use with the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties.
   (B)   Conditional zoning districts are zoning districts in which the development and use of the property is subject to predetermined ordinance standards and the rules, regulations, and conditions imposed as part of the legislative decision creating the district and applying it to the particular property. The following zoning district categories are conditional zoning districts:
      (1)   Parallel conditional zoning districts. A parallel conditional zoning district is a conditional zoning district in which the potential permitted use or uses are, except as limited by the conditions imposed on the district, of the same character or type as the use or uses permitted in a general district having a parallel designation or name. Following the approval of a petition for a parallel conditional district, the subject property shall be identified on the Zoning Maps by the appropriate district designation. A parallel conditional district shall be identified by the same designation as the corresponding general district followed by the letters "CD" (for example "G-B(CD)").
      (2)   Conditional zoning districts as identified in §§ 153.123 through 153.129:
         (a)   Planned Residential District;
         (b)   Planned Unit Development District;
         (c)   Traditional Neighborhood Development;
         (d)   Transitional Infill Development District;
         (e)   Manufactured Home Park District; and
         (f)   Commercial Center District.
      (3)   The conditional zoning districts allow for the establishment of certain uses, which, because of their nature or scale, have particular impacts on both the immediate area and the community as a whole. The development of these uses cannot be predetermined or controlled by general district standards. In order to accommodate these uses, this chapter establishes specific development standards for these uses intended to protect existing developed areas. The permitted uses and development standards are contained within each district. Each of the conditional zoning districts requires submittal of a site plan as part of the application review process. In addition, each of the conditional zoning districts is subject to approval by City Council in order to be established.
(Ord. passed - - )