Subject to such limitations as may be imposed by laws or regulations, the Lincolnton Steering Committee shall serve as an advisory board to the City Council for the following purposes to further the public welfare:
(A) Facilitate displays of public art in or on public buildings and public spaces to encourage public appreciation for the arts in Lincolnton.
(B) Inform the residents of an visitors to Lincolnton about public art.
(C) Advance the City of Lincolnton as an “arts destination” and engage public art as an attraction for artists, cultural tourism, economic development, and community pride.
(D) Be responsible for developing policy, procedures, and design standards for the selection of art and/or artists, which will include community input as well as appropriate staff review. The committee shall follow its public art policy and implementation guidelines as modified and//or amended.
(E) Advise staff and council on the site and content of all public art.
(F) Recommend to staff and City Council the acceptance of works of art.
(G) Work to build partnerships and collaborations throughout Lincolnton’s creative community.
(H) Support relationships and shared resources and make use of existing strengths in public and cultural arts organizations.
(Ord. O-16-20, passed 10-1-2020)