(A) The Fire Department of the Village of Lincoln Heights shall consist of the following officers and members:
(1) Chief;
(2) First Assistant Chief;
(3) Second Assistant Chief;
(4) Captain;
(5) First Fire Lieutenant;
(6) Second Fire Lieutenant;
(7) Third Fire Lieutenant; and
(8) Sixteen firefighter members.
(B) Council, as the circumstances may require, shall establish the compensation and may change the number of officers and members of the Fire Department.
(C) Each officer and member of the Fire Department, except the Fire Chief, for response to each drill shall receive the sum of $1 or such amount as Council shall determine, in addition to compensation for the performance of other duties.
(D) The Village Manager shall fill all vacancies and make promotions in the Fire Department.
(1995 Code, § 34.01) (Ord. 68-11, passed 5-6-1968; Am. Ord. 96-O-24, passed 9-9-1996)
Fire Prevention Code, see Ch. 91