§ 117.20   DRIVER'S PERMIT; FEE.
   (A)   Before any person shall drive, operate, or otherwise control, while in use for hire on the streets of the village, any public taxi or other vehicle for carrying passengers for hire, for his or her own account or for some other person or firm, he or she shall make application to the Village Manager of the village for a permit, and if it appears that the applicant is of sufficient age and discretion, of fair character and integrity, and not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors or narcotics, and is a suitable person to engage in the business of operating and driving a public taxi or vehicle carrying passengers for hire in the village, the Village Manager shall issue a permit to such applicant, and such permit shall be issued under seal of the village and shall be good for one year, expiring December 31 of each year unless sooner revoked by the Village Manager for good cause shown on hearing of which the party (licensee) shall have a reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard.
   (B)   The Village Manager on granting such permit shall receive therefore a fee in the amount of $1.
(1995 Code, § 117.20) (Ord. 14-1947, passed 2-10-1947) Penalty, see § 117.99