(A)   At the hearing required by § 96.05, the report of the Village Manager shall be read and shall constitute prima facie evidence of blight on the premises and need for the Village of Lincoln Heights to acquire such premises in order to eliminate the blight and prevent recurrence of blight thereon. Thereafter, the owner, person in charge, occupant of the premises or any person having an interest therein may proceed to show cause why the premises should not be declared blighted or the village should not acquire the premises for the purposes of eliminating blight or preventing its recurrence. If the owner, person in charge or occupant of the premises does appear and presents testimony for the purpose of showing cause why the premises should not be declared blighted or the village should not acquire the premises for the purposes of eliminating the blight and preventing recurrence of blight, the Village Manager, or duly appointed representative, shall proceed to present evidence to Council of the existence of blight on the premises and need to acquire the premises for elimination of the blight and the prevention of the recurrence of the blight thereon. Members of the public residing in the neighborhood or who may otherwise have knowledge of the condition of such premises may address the Council at the hearing in regard to the proposed action of the village.
   (B)   Council may adjourn the hearing, from time to time, and grant continuances to the Village Manager, the Village Manager's representative or the owner, person in charge or occupant of the premises, in order for them to present further argument or evidence in regard to the existence of blight on the premises or the need for the village to acquire the premises in order to eliminate blight or prevent the recurrence of blight thereon.
(Ord. 2002-O-12, passed 3-11-2002)