§ 96.01   DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BLIGHTED PREMISES. Real property which because of age, obsolescence, dilapidation, deterioration, lack of maintenance or repair or any combination thereof constitute a fire hazard, a health hazard, a substantial and unreasonable interference with the reasonable and lawful use and enjoyment of other property within the neighborhood or a factor seriously depreciating property values in the neighborhood.
   REDEVELOPMENT. The acquisition of blighted premises, the demolition of a structure or structures thereon, the making of site improvements, including the construction or reconstruction thereon, or the sale of property for use in accordance with the Zoning Code and the Ohio Basic Building Code. REDEVELOPMENT may include the construction of improvement by the village of any building for public use or resale to private persons.
   REHABILITATION. The restoration, rebuilding or conservation of blighted premises by improvement, modernization or repair of a structure or structures thereon to bring it into conformance with applicable building and zoning provisions followed by the Village of Lincoln Heights.
(Ord. 2002-O-12, passed 3-11-2002)