(A)   Whenever, following a collision not involving personal injuries, a vehicle, whether or not the same is damaged or wrecked, is so placed as to interfere with traffic or with the proper operation and service of the divisions of fire, police, or highway maintenance, or with the operation of motor buses, the driver or other person in charge of such vehicle shall, without delay, move or cause the same to be moved to a location where it will not interfere with or impede traffic operations.
   (B)   Whenever any such vehicle is left unattended, or whenever, on request, the owner or operator of the same fails to remove it as hereinbefore provided, any member of the Police Department, Fire Department, an employee of the division of highway maintenance, or of a transit company affected by such vehicle shall be authorized to remove it to a location where it will not interfere with or impede traffic operations.
(1995 Code, § 76.08)