§ 42.09   RECALL.
   The voters of Lincoln Heights shall have the power to recall and remove from office any member of Council before the expiration of his/her office. A recall may be started by the filing with the Clerk of Council a petition signed by qualified voters equal in number to 25 percent of those who cast ballots in the preceding municipal election, requesting that a Councilmember, named in the petition, be removed from office. Such petition shall contain a specific statement of not less than twenty-five words and not more than two hundred words of the particular grounds upon which the removal of such person is sought. Provided, however, that the question of the removal of any Councilmember from office shall not be submitted to the voters until such Councilmember has served for at least one year of the term during which he/she is sought to be recalled. If the Clerk finds the petition sufficient, he or she shall certify it to the Board of Elections of Hamilton County, to be placed on the ballot at the next succeeding municipal or general election occurring not less than 90 days thereafter, the question: “Shall (name of Councilperson) be recalled from office in the Municipality of Lincoln Heights? Yes___ No___.” If, at the election, a majority of the votes cast on the question shall be in favor of recall, the official shall forthwith retire from office, and the resulting vacancy filled in a manner prescribed in this Charter; provided however, no member of Council who has been recalled pursuant to Article VI of this Charter shall be eligible for reappointment to any seat in Council during the same term of the Councilmanic office from which he or she has been recalled.
(Ord. 97-O-41, passed 7-30-1997; Am. Ord. 2008-O-24, passed 7-7-2008)
   Recall, see Charter § 6.01