   The review of development proposals will take place in accordance with the steps outlined in this section throughout the duration of the Economic Development Coordinator's tenure with the village, unless otherwise amended by Village Council.
   (A)   Development review process - flow chart.
      Step 1:   All proposals submitted to Mayor.
      Step 2:   Mayor submits proposals to Economic Development Coordinator (EDC).
      Step 3:   EDC presents proposals to Village Council in Executive Session. Note: At this point, Council reserves right to reject any or all proposals.
      Step 4:   Mayor will introduce live proposals to the Council and Planning and Development Committee will refer item to Planning Commission.
      Step 5:   Review by Planning Commission with subsequent recommendation to Council.
      Step 6:   Planning Commission sends item to appropriate Council Committee(s) for their review and recommendation.
      Step 7:   Items return with recommendations to Village Council for vote.
   (B)   Development review process.  
      Step 1. All proposals for development, or proposals which may affect development, must be submitted to the Mayor in writing.
      Step 2. The Mayor will send all such proposals identified in Step 1, to the Economic Development Coordinator (EDC). EDC will review the proposal(s) and work with developer to compile information sufficient to make a meaningful presentation to Village Council and the Planning Commission, and to make a recommendation to Council as to what appropriate future actions should be taken regarding the proposal. Members of Village Council will be kept informed of all proposals received; however, proposals will not be forwarded to Council until sufficient details have been received from developer. SUFFICIENT DETAILS is defined as the following:
         (a)   A description of the proposed project, including uses, required parking and access, and an indication of how the proposed use does or does not conform to applicable Building and Zoning Code provisions;
         (b)   A listing of the individuals/entities making up a project team;
         (c)   Estimated costs and the identification of potential sources and uses of funds;
         (d)   A time frame for the project;
         (e)   A general site plan; or
         (f)   Any marketing data which provides support and justification for the project.
      Step 3.
         (a)   The EDC will compile the information, present all proposals to members of the Village Council in an executive session, and make a recommendation of further action on each proposal. Council members reserve the right at this point to reject any or all proposals.
         (b)   In the event that multiple proposals are submitted for a site, the EDC will review each proposal with Council members in an executive session of Council. The best proposal(s) will be selected for further consideration and will proceed to Council.
         (c)   1.   Council members should consider proposals on the basis of the following criteria:
               a.   The financial ability of the developer to carry out the project;
               b.   Developer's experience in similar projects;
               c.   The feasibility, appropriateness and/or marketability of the proposed use;
               d.   The proposal's ability to increase the village's tax base; and
               e.   Project's time schedule.
            2.   These items are not listed in any priority, and the list is not meant to be all-inclusive.
Note: The time frame for proposal review during these first three steps is contingent upon the ability of developer to provide sufficient details.
      Step 4. Following a decision by Council in executive session, the Mayor will introduce live proposals to the Council Review Process. Village Council will refer the item to the Planning Commission or to the appropriate Council Committee.
      Step 5.
         (a)   The Planning Commission, as an advisory body to Council, shall preview the proposal(s) presented and make a recommendation to Village Council. The Planning Commission must commence review of the proposal within seven days of its referral from Village Council. Development projects which are consistent with current zoning will be deemed as being consistent with the overall plan of the village, and therefore, will not require a public hearing. When zone changes or variances are not required, Planning Commission must produce a recommendation for Council within 21 days of the initial presentation of the project to the Planning Commission or the proposal shall be presumed to have been approved by the Planning Commission.
         (b)   When projects do require zone changes or variances, the developer may have to submit additional information for the zoning matter to be considered. If a public hearing is necessary, current zoning legislation requires notification 20 days in advance of a public hearing. Therefore, the overall time frame for Planning Commission's recommendation concerning the proposal shall not exceed 45 days or the proposal shall be presumed to have been approved by the Planning Commission.
      Step 6. Within the time frame(s) specified in Step 5, the Planning Commission shall forward a recommendation to the appropriate Council Committee(s). The Council Committee(s) shall consider the proposal and make a recommendation to full Council within 21 days of receiving the referral from the Planning Commission or the proposal shall be presumed to have been approved by the Council Committee(s).
      Step 7. From Committee, the item will return, with recommendations, for a vote by the full Council.
(Ord. 90-O-21, passed 5-23-1990)
   (A)   Criminal prosecution has been the traditional method for adjudication and enforcement of the Lincoln Heights Code of Ordinances.
   (B)   Criminal prosecution is often ineffective in deterring Lincoln Heights Code of Ordinances violations or securing timely correction of the violations; and criminal prosecution for Lincoln Heights Code of Ordinances violations is time-consuming, resource draining and frequently fails to address community concerns.
   (C)   A system of administratively assessed civil fines offers a more effective way to obtain compliance, can be more responsive to citizen complaints and reduce the Lincoln Heights Mayor’s Court caseload, while not imposing additional costs on the taxpayers.
   (D)   An administrative enforcement system for hearing cases and assessing civil fines will provide a more effective and efficient method for the village to respond to Lincoln Heights Code violations and is established.
   (E)   Neither the Village of Lincoln Heights, the federal government, the State of Ohio, nor any village, federal or state agency or political subdivision is liable for a civil fine imposed.
(Ord. 97-O-17, passed 4-17-1997)
   (A)   Council members, officials, administrators and contractors are responsible for all of the property issued to them or in their possession and control.
   (B)   Council members, officials, administrators, and contractors must return all property immediately upon request, termination of employment, or expiration of term of office.
   (C)   The Village may withhold from the paycheck(s) of the Council members, officials, administrators, and contractors the cost of any items that are not immediately returned, and may also take all appropriate action to recover or obtain reimbursement for the property.
(Ord. 2008-O-11, passed 4-28-2008)