Section 2.02   QUALIFICATIONS.
   Any qualified resident elector who has been a resident of the Municipality for a continuous period of time not less than one year preceding the election shall be eligible to serve as a member of Council. An Elector, who is not current on all tax filings with the Village, who is delinquent on taxes due the Village or who has been convicted of a felony, treason, or who has been imprisoned for a felony shall not be qualified to serve as a member of Council, or eligible to run for the office of Council member. In addition, an Elector who has been recalled by the voters of Lincoln Heights pursuant to Section 6.01 of the Charter shall not be qualified to serve as a member of Council until a period of five calendar years has passed since the date of the election by which the Elector was recalled. Council members shall not hold any other public office, or any other employment with the Municipality of Lincoln Heights except that of a Notary Public, or a member of the National Guard or a Reserve in the Armed Forces. All members of Council must be willing to accept and receive on going training in laws or other regulations pertaining to Local, County, State, National or Federal affairs.
(Adopted by electorate, November 2, 2010; Amended by electorate November 6, 2018/Legislation 2018-O-7, July 9, 2018)