   135.01   Definitions
   135.02   Negligent homicide
   135.03   Vehicular homicide; vehicular manslaughter
   135.04   Assault; negligent assault
   135.05   Injury to persons by hunters
   135.06   Menacing; aggravated menacing; menacing by stalking
   135.07   Unlawful restraint
   135.08   Criminal child enticement
   135.09   Coercion
   135.10   Bigamy
   135.11   Unlawful abortion; failure to perform viability testing
   135.12   Abortion trafficking
   135.13   Nonsupport of dependents
   135.14   Endangering children
   135.15   Interference with custody; interference with support orders
   135.16   Domestic violence
   135.17   Hazing prohibited
   135.18   Contributing to unruliness or delinquency of a child
   135.19   Prowling
   135.20   Failure to provide for functionally impaired person
   135.21   Patient abuse or neglect; patient endangerment; exceptions; false statements; retaliation
   135.22   Violating a protection order, consent agreement, anti-stalking protection order or order issued by a court of another state
   135.23   Adulteration of food
   135.24   Illegal distribution of cigarettes, other tobacco products, or alternative nicotine products; transaction scans
   135.25   Nonsmoking areas in places of public assembly
   135.26   Spreading contagion
   135.27   Unlawful collection of bodily substances
Statutory reference:
   Child care, misrepresentations by providers and failure to disclose death or serious injuries, misdemeanors, see Ohio R.C. §§ 2919.223 et seq.
   Extortionate extension of credit, see Ohio R.C. §§ 2905.21 through 2905.24
   Failure to send child to school, see Ohio R.C. § 3321.38
   Permitting child abuse, felony offense, see Ohio R.C. § 2903.15
   Reckless homicide, felony offense, see Ohio R.C. § 2903.041
   Rights of victims of crimes, see Ohio R.C. Chapter 2930