Where, on the effective date of this chapter, 40% or more of a frontage was occupied by two or more buildings, then the front yard is established in the following manner.
   (A)   Where the building further most from the street provides a front yard not more than ten feet deeper than the building closest to the street, then the front yard for the frontage is and remains an average of the then existing front yards.
   (B)   Where division (A) above is not the case and a lot is within 100 feet of a building on each side, then the front yard is a line drawn from the closest front corners of these two adjacent buildings.
   (C)   Where neither division (A) nor (B) above is the case and the lot is within 100 feet of an existing building on one side only, then the front yard is the same as that of the existing adjacent building.
(Ord. 0904-05, passed 5-20-2009)